There we were, reasonably happy with the People’s Energy supplying our electricity and gas supplies, at least from a tariff perspective, when they went out of business in September. Our account was transferred, under the “Supplier of Last Resort” scheme, to British Gas. I’m on the Priority Service Register (PSR), as I am disabled and we have no way of accessing the gas meter, and nobody whom we can ask. I had requested the meter be read for over a year and was fobbed off with the excuse that because of Covid restrictions the meter could not be read. Strange, as the meter is external to the house so there would have been no need to enter the house to read the gas meter, and the electricity readings were being sent via smart meter. The gas meter, which I was told was not connected to the smart meter as it was incompatible, according to an email I had received from People’s Energy on 10 th August 2021 that someone was going to be reading the meter ...
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