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Showing posts from January, 2023

Rats, mice (the furry kind), and more – true tales from an ex-IT support man Episode 22

When I last wrote, I was grateful that my kneecaps remained intact, having extracted myself from a dodgy situation and, having accepted a position back in the City of London, went back into the real world of commerce. The merchant bank I was working in was one of the most respected institutions in the City, and my position was in the End User Computing (EUC) department, dealing with IT support throughout the London branch, but also liaising with the overseas groups so that our efforts were coordinated, worldwide. The EUC department was a (generally) talented group of individuals ranging from networking experts to coding and database experts, plus other facets. Bearing in mind that this was 1990, the use of PCs was still a relatively new environment and so the team grew fairly rapidly. We oversaw the installation of cabling to the trading desks and user desks. I recall one particular weekend when we were scheduled to do some work on one of the trading floors: I opened the doors ...